ABC ID Create in 2024: Create via DigiLocker and Umang portal

ABC ID Create

ABC ID is a 12-digit unique ID created for free movement of students from one course to another in higher education. The Academic Bank of Credits is based on the National Academic Depository or NDA. The main backbone of ABC ID is NDA where students’ academic data and full details of academic awards are stored. ABC ID Card is an important digital program that is an unprecedented initiative for the advancement of students in higher education that will lead to student growth.

What Is ABC Card?

ABC ID is developed by National Academic Depository as per National Education Policy 2020. Its main objective is to facilitate smooth transition of students from one course to another in higher education. It is a 12 digit unique ID card. Academic data of students such as degree certificate training class work etc. is stored in this card. The ABC Card is linked to the Upper Card to ensure accountability and transparency in tracking student progress and records.

Card NameABC ID Card
Launched ByUniversity Grants Commission
BeneficiariesStudents Pursuing Higher Education
Mode of RegistrationOnline
Students who have not made ABCID card and don’t know how to make it, this article explains in detail how you can make your ABC ID card, download it and know about its benefits.

How to Create ABC ID?

Students can use different methods to create their ABC cards. Through this post we have discussed in detail how ABC ID card is generated in all the methods.Linking mobile number with your Aadhaar card is mandatory for doing ABC card. If your mobile number is not linked with your aadhaar card then first you link your mobile number and then generate ABC ID card.

ABC ID Creation via DigiLocker Portal

  1. Student have to visit the official website of DigiLocker at
  2. If you already have a DigiLocker account, click the “Sign in” button on the top corner. And if you don’t account then click “Sign up” button.
  3. Then a page will open in front of you fill in all your details and set a 6 digit pin and click submit below.
  4. Then an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP and click on the submit option given below. Then your new ID will be created.
  5. Then you need to login again with registered mobile number and security pin. Then an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number, enter that OTP and click on the given submit button.
  6. After login, click on the Join Now button under the academic bank of credit banner at the bottom of the home page. Then ABC ID Create window will open in front of you.
  7. Then fill all the information you are asked for and click on Get Documents option.
  8. Then your name as per aadhaar card, date of birth and your gender will already appear on the screen in front of you then you have to enter admission year, identity value, identity type and choose your institution from the list given by you.
  9. Under Identity Type you have to select your roll number your enrollment number, registration number or its value for new admission.
  10. Then you have to select your institution from the options given below and then click on the OK button. Then if you think you have entered all the correct information then select consent option and then click on get document option.
  11. Then a confirmation message will show on your screen that starts your request has been submitted.
  12. Then you will be automatically redirected to Issue Documents option where you can see your ABC ID.
  13. Then you can download PDF copy of your ABC ID by clicking on download icon.

ABC ID Creation via UMANG Portal

  1. Students have to visit official website of Umang portal to create ABC ID through Umang portal at
  2. Then click on the login or register option on the top right corner of your screen.
  3. There are two methods you can use to login to umang portal one is direct login through login page and other is using Meri Pehchan. For direct login you need to enter mobile number security pin and you can create id through otp verification. And login through Mari Pehechan is very similar to Via ABC portal login which we will discuss later.
  4. Here we will discuss how to login through umang portal If you are old registrant of umang portal then you will login through OTP verification with phone number security pin.
  5. If you are a new user then click on the register option then a new page will open in front of you where you have to enter your mobile number and click on the Get OTP option below it then an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number then you have to enter the OTP.
  6. Then you will be taken to a new page asking you to setup security pin complete the register process by setup security pin.
  7. Then you need to login again by visiting the login page.
  8. Then you have to give your consent and click on send option. You will then be moved to the Issu Documents section of your Digi Locker Account.
  9. Then you can click on plus option or type word ABC you will see academic bank of credit option below then select that option.
  10. Then you will see a list in front of you click on ABC ID CARD option.
  11. Enter the Admission Year, Identity type (roll number, Register Number, Enrollment Number or the Admission number) and Identity value and select your academic institution from the drop down window and check the consent language (read thoroughly) and click the “Get Document” button
  12. You will be automatically redirected to Issue Documents option where you can see your ABC ID.
  13. Click the “Download ABC ID ” button and save the PDF.

ABC ID Login

  • Visit the abc portal
  • Navigate to my account.
  • Select student.
  • Now the portal’s sign in page will appear.
  • Select the sign in type
    • Mobile
    • User name
    • Others
  • Enter the mobile/ User name/others and pin.
  • Finally check the declaration and sign in.

Benefits of ABC ID Card

ABC ID is an important credit bank for students in which all academic credits of students are stored. Apart from credit it has many benefits which are described through this post.

  1. Students can move from one course to another very easily.
  2. Students can transfer their credits from one institution to another
  3. Students can easily demonstrate their skills and qualifications.
  4. It creates a unique ID of the students through which their academic career can be tracked.


What is the full form of ABC ID?

The full form is Academic Bank of Credits.

What is the official portal of ABC ID?

The official portal is

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